
Free Evaluation, MBA Preparation

The “A-to-Z” of MBA Admission: Part 3 of 3

September 24 2014 By The MBA Exchange
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Welcome to our 3-part series!

What are the core attributes of a winning MBA candidacy? Here’s O-Z…

O is for OBJECTIVES: Milestones on your journey to success.

P is for PASSION: Exuberance, joy and celebration.

Q is for QUALITY: Achieving your best, exceeding expectations.

R is for RELATIONSHIPS: Connecting with, valuing and rewarding others.

S is for SUCCINCTNESS: Conveying a 20-word concept in 10 words.

T is for TEAMWORK: Collaborating, leveraging, trusting for shared success.

U is for UNIQUENESS: The combination of strengths that defines you.

V is for VISION: Sensing and pursuing what you can’t see yet.

W is for WISDOM: Sound judgment through intellect and values.

X is for X-FACTOR: Convincing the school why they need you.

Y is for YES: The mindset you want the adcom to have while reading your app.

Z is for ZEAL: Healthy obsession about doing something really important.

The MBA Exchange can help you discover and present these and other strengths in your MBA applications. Start with a free evaluation of your candidacy.