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7 Ways to Realize Your MBA Goal – Starting Today! (Part 2 of 2)

June 16 2020 By The MBA Exchange
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In Part 1 of this series, we shared 3 important steps to you take in launching your MBA admissions journey. Today we share 4 more.

The world may have changed but your desire to pursue an MBA has not. If you intend to apply to business school this year, you’d be wise to get to work… now. Don’t wait for new applications to be posted or to take the GMAT or GRE. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic upheaval, more MBA hopefuls will apply this season than in recent past. Based on three decades of advising over 5,000 MBA applicants, The MBA Exchange has some strong advice that merits consideration – and action – starting now. Here are 4 more important steps you can take today.

  1. Understand your true competitiveness.
    Getting a handle on the strengths, vulnerabilities and potential of your MBA candidacy is like receiving a detailed roadmap for the admissions journey ahead. An expert evaluation of your academic, professional and personal background will enable you to frame strategies, prioritize tactics and build a timeline for success. Did you know that you can get a personalized, in-depth assessment from us for free? Our former admissions officers and savvy MBA grads are eager to hear from you!
  2. Understand your “fit” with your target business schools.
    Experiencing the campus and surrounding community of schools you’re considering is valuable; however, not as possible as it once was. But, visiting in person isn’t the only way to learn about a school’s unique community and culture. Look for webinars, read online publications, network with alumni – all of this will help you determine if your dream school is actually your best fit (it may not be, and that’s good to know now as well!)
  3. Cultivate potential recommenders.
    Even if you’re certain whom to approach for recommendations, there may be a few surprises awaiting you. Perhaps they’ll be exceptionally busy with other duties. Possibly they won’t be as enthused about your candidacy as you think. They may want to know more about you before writing a rec. Or another MBA applicant might get to them first! In any case, it can only help to strengthen your relationships with potential recommenders now, so they’ll be receptive and ready to help when you need them.
  4. Get a head start on your competition.
    Thousands of other qualified MBA applicants will continue to wait until the new applications are published before commencing their admissions campaigns. That’s great news for you! Don’t underestimate the value of starting now as early as possible on key aspects of your campaign that require more time (and are not impacted by the actual application).

As we stated in Part 1, a better planned, longer, more strategic and less stressful MBA admissions campaign that begins today is more likely to produce a better outcome for you. We hope that this blog series has inspired and encouraged you to get started today!